Samantha Perry

Senior ManagementSamantha Perry

Deputy Director
Training, Learning, & Readiness Division

Samantha has experience in a variety of settings ranging from academic to applied public and private sectors with expertise in adaptation, motivation, training design and evaluation, survey development and implementation, and the unobtrusive measurement of team processes, states, and performance. In particular, Samantha has a wide array of experiences investigating medical, military and other types of teams operating in high-stress environments. In these settings, she examines team effectiveness and investigates alternative analyses for longitudinal and dynamic phenomenon. At Aptima, Samantha has carried over this set of expertise to create unobtrusive indicators of team processes and states among Soldiers operating in the field, and examine adaptive feedback mechanisms in order to provide more efficient and effective training programs for airmen, all with the goal of maximizing human performance.

Samantha holds a PhD and MA in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Michigan State University and a BA in Psychology from George Mason University. She is a member of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists, Society for Military Psychologists, and The Interdisciplinary Network for Group Researchers. She is also a contributing reviewer for several journals, including the Small Group Research and Human Performance Journal.

Notable Publications

Perry, S. K. B.(2015, April). The dynamic process of adaptation examined theoretically, empirically, and analytically. In. S. K. B. Perry & D. K. Jundt (Chairs), Deciphering the Meaning of Adaptation Through the Context of Change. Symposium presented at the 30th Annual Conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.

Kozlowski, S. W. J., Chang, C.-H., Perry, S. K. B., Pearce, M., Dixon, A., & Santoro, J. M. (2015, April). Capturing team process dynamics. In W. B. Vessey (Chair), Teams on ICE: Team research in spaceflight analogs. Symposium presented at the 30th Annual Conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.

Pearce, M., Perry, S. K., B., Harvey, R. P., Karner, J., & Ayton, J. (2015, April). The dynamics of teamwork in the Antarctic: A multi-year, multi-national effort. In S. W. J. Kozlowski & C.-H. Chang (Chairs), Team dynamics: Capturing process phenomena in extreme teams. Symposium presented at the 30th Annual Conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.

Baard, S. K., Rench, T. A., & Kozlowski, S. W. J. (2014). Adaptation: A theoretical review and integration. Journal of Management, 40(1), 48-99.

Kozlowski, S. W. J., Grand, J. A.,Baard, S. K., & Pearce, M. (In press). Team performance. In D. Boehm-Davis, F. Durso, and J. Lee (Eds.), APA Handbook of Human Systems Integration (pp. TBD). Washington, D.C.: APA Books.

For more information about Samantha Perry’s publications, please contact

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