Courtney R. Dean

Senior ManagementCourtney R. Dean

Principal Product Manager
Enterprise Business Development

Courtney specializes in training design and development and the development performance assessment systems for teams and individuals in live and simulated training environments. Courtney leads projects to develop tools that support instructors and observer controllers to assess performing during training exercises (SPOTLITE® and PM Engine™), provide formative performance feedback during after-action reviews and debrief (Performance Dashboard™), and manage team and individual data over time (A-Measure® Server Application). He has worked with representatives DoD-wide to develop performance measurement systems using Aptima’s COMPASS methodology (COmpetency-based Measures for Performance ASsessment Systems). Courtney’s training experience includes leading efforts to use sophisticated mathematical models to guide the selection of training items and experiences, in order to tailor training to individuals’ and teams’ specific needs. He has worked with the Army’s Human Terrain Systems to design and deliver training for their fielded data collection and analysis toolkit. He has also supported development and administration of a Training Effectiveness Evaluation (TEE) for Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JEIDDO) cognitive training solutions.

Courtney holds a MS in Applied Psychology from the University of West Florida and a BS in Psychology from Fort Hays State University. He is a member of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Recent Publications

Dean, C. R., Freeman, J., & Puglisi, M. (2015). Supporting unit training management through mobile performance assessment tools. In Proceedings of Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC 2015). Orlando, FL.

Dean, C., Puglisi, M., and Freeman, J. (2015). Supporting Unit Training Management Through Mobile Performance Assessment Tools. Proceedings of I/ITSEC 2015, Orlando, FL

Ratwani, K. L., Dean, C. R., Flanagan, S, Knott, C., Diedrich, F., & Tucker, J. S. (2015). Innovative mobile technologies for assessing and enhancing soldier performance. In Proceedings of Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC 2015). Orlando, FL.

Carlin, A. and Dean, C.  (2015). Automated Extraction of POMDP training model from data. Poster to be presented at FLAIRS conference, Special Track on Intelligent Learning Technologies

For more information about Courtney Dean’s publications, please contact

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