Aptima Awarded US Navy Contract to Help Transform Training with Precision Learning
Integrated performance measurement and adaptive training to support move to Ready Relevant Learning for MRTS 3D®
Orlando, FL – October 28, 2024 – Aptima, Inc., the human performance company, announced today it has been awarded a $1.6 million contract by Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) to design and deliver the PROPEL™ Precision Learning System (3PLS) for the US Navy’s MRTS 3D®.
3PLS is software that assesses performance, proficiency, and training effectiveness, providing instructors with real-time training insights, and trainees with more efficient, individualized learning to support Fleet readiness.
MRTS 3D is a family of trainers providing a virtual training environment simulating a variety of systems. Each trainer consists of government-owned simulation software running on a stand-alone network of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and software components. A single MRTS 3D® hardware trainer can shift between the multiple software simulation applications within minutes. This capability enables a training command to use a single hardware device to give photo-realistic, virtual training on a variety of different systems.
Under this contract, Aptima is applying 3PLS to the MRTS 3D Diesel Submarine Machinist Mate Auxiliary (MMA) rating to support NAWCTSD in their efforts to optimize the effectiveness of this training. MMAs are responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of a submarine’s diesel engines and other systems.
The current work will use Aptima’s 3PLS human performance and assessment environment software to capture learner performance information and allow NAWCTSD to track, analyze, store, understand and visualize human performance in real time.
3PLS is expected to significantly enhance training as a part of the Navy’s Ready Relevant Learning modernization, which is aimed at delivering “the right training at the right time” to Sailors from the schoolhouse throughout their deployment.
In contrast to traditional ‘one-size-fits-all,’ precision learning leverages the increasing amounts of data generated from digital training systems to assess student learning and performance. Intelligent algorithms and machine learning combine as part of an adaptive training framework, customizing learning to the individual, helping remediate skill gaps and build proficiencies for readiness, and modeling skill acquisition and decay.

Terry Ritchie, Director of Government Programs at Aptima
“We’re excited to support the move to more intelligent, data-driven training that will prepare more technically capable MMAs to excel in their duties,” said Terry Ritchie, Director of Government Programs at Aptima.
“A key objective of optimized learning is to maintain the student in the Zone of Proximal Development, that particular challenge range where training is not too easy and not too hard but in the sweet spot that optimizes their learning, engagement, and development,” added Ritchie.
As a software platform, 3PLS can provide support across live, virtual and constructive training environments, collecting, measuring, and assessing data from simulator systems and expert observers who rate students during exercises using a handheld tablet. 3PLS fuses system- with observer-based measures, analyzes the live data streams, and provides users with real-time dashboards and detailed performance feedback. Its expert recommender system provides guidance on the next training content or scenario, or complexity augmentation to optimize the learning outcomes.
“Rather than over or under train, the system helps right-size training so the MMA can focus on what needs improvement and demonstrably build their proficiencies toward readiness,“ added Ritchie.
Using 3PLS, NAWCTSD will not only be able to better track and assess individual MMAs’ performance as they prepare for fleet duty, but also evaluate overall training effectiveness to support a cycle of continuous improvement.
Aptima has developed and matured 3PLS through a series of previous Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), the U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) security assistance program, and Navy funding initiatives, and applied it to multiple use cases.
The PROPEL Precision Learning System will be demonstrated at NAWCTSD booth #1018 at I/ITSEC 2024, the Interservice Industry Training, Simulation, Education Conference, December 2-6, 2024.
About Aptima, Inc.
For more than 25 years, Aptima has been dedicated to optimizing performance in critical, technology-intensive environments. To explore how Aptima is revolutionizing how humans learn, train, and work in the age of AI, visit www.aptima.com.
Media Contact:
Joel Greenberg
202-363-1065 | 202-669-3639 cell