Aptima at SIOP 2020 Virtual
Measuring AR/VR/MR Benefits for Training
Despite the ongoing limitations imposed by COVID-19, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology moved forward with its 2020 Annual Conference at SIOP 2020 Virtual, running from June 16-30. With more than 2000 registrants, 500 presentations, 300 PDF posters, and 100 video panels and symposia, SIOP 2020 is the premier event for I-O psychology.
And Aptima was there.
How do you measure the benefits of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality technologies for training?
Virtual, augmented, and mixed reality technologies (VAM) can reduce dependence on real-world assets while providing better training experiences at lower costs. But because these systems are often still in development, current methods to evaluate and estimate the benefits they might deliver cannot be applied. To solve this conundrum, Mike Keeney, Kent Halverson, Evan Oster, and John Kegley of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL; previously with Aptima) have developed a training technology decision process that links learning objectives, learning stimuli requirements (perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral), training system affordances, and meaningful programmatic constraints such as cost, scope, and timeline. The Aptima approach extends synthetic validity, a method used to examine the job-relatedness of selections tests for jobs for which data cannot be collected. View Poster (PDF)
About SIOP Virtual 2020
All conference presentations, live events, and networking opportunities will be accessible only to registered attendees. In addition, the virtual format offers registrants several advantages related to sessions and networking. Register today at https://www.siop.org/Annual-Conference/Registration-and-Resources/Virtual-Conference-Reg/eventid/3375.